Hunt the Wild Dala Official Guide

The Herd of Wild Dala Horses, one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Customs, roams freely throughout Lindsborg.The traditional Dala shape provides the base for the creatively painted Wild Dala horses, celebrating contemporary Lindsborg – its history, Swedish-Americana, the arts, everyday work and life, local groups and families and, of course, wordplay. The Wild Dalas of Lindsborg Official Guide will help you to locate the herd both indoors and out.

111 S Main
As word spread of Lindsborg's unusual herd, the town sponsored Ambassadala, a roaming horse to carry greetings regionally and nationally. Artist Shirley Malm even gave Ambassadala an official medallion to certify his ambassadorial status. Located inside Lindsborg Community Library.

Bethania Blanka
320 N Main
Painted by Rose Marie Wallen, Bethania Blanka represents Bethany's historic congregation symbolized by images of the 1869 pioneer church and the present church.

103 N Main
Artist Jennifer Hopp richly bestowed Blossom with sunflowers, the state flower of Kansas. Sponsored by the Lindsborg Arts Council.

Blue Colla Dala
215 Harrison
This wild Dala is a workhorse. Dedicated to Smoky Valley's working people, it stands ready to meet needs with integrity and innovation. Three rural Lindsborg residents had a hand in this: Robert and Mary Ann Johnson as sponsors and Shelly Carlson as artist.

Dala Räv
505 N Second
This wild Dala celebrates Kansas' four distinct seasons, each with its own beauty. A playful, curious fox (räv in Swedish) guides onlookers through nature's gifts. Created by artist Deb McGaughey.

Dalahippus Lindsborgensis
121 W Lincoln
Said to be unearthed from the foot of Coronado Heights north of Lindsborg, the Dalahippus is proof that Dala horses are native to the Kansas plains, not Sweden. Thanks to artist Lee Becker, Tyrannosaurus Rex has nothing on Lindsborg's most famous fossil.

Dalallama Telecomma
127 N Main

Inside Small World Gallery, artist Steve Scott's postmodern wordplay comes alive in the Dalallama's giant telephone handsets, commas, and Tibetan themes. With its thrid eye, this wild Dala is watching you. Sponsored by Jim and Kathy Richardson

421 N First
Dalalujah is a note of appreciation for the musicallly gifted volunteers participating in the Messiah Festival making Lindsborg's tradition of Handel's Messiah the longest continual performance in North America.

102 S First
Sven, a character in Scandinavian humor, rides to the rescue on a Dalmation-spotted wild Dala horse in this piece by Ken Sjögren and Ken Swisher. Located appropriately at the Lindsborg Safety Center.

Dancer Dala
128 N Main
Lindsborg's love of folk dancing takes center stage in this design by Shirley Malm. The Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancers (Smoky Valley High School dance troupe) tour widley, as do Lindsborg Folkdanslag (adult Swedish folk dance troupe). Sponsored by Ron and Marsha Rolander of Lindsborg.

Fala the Dala
101 S Main
This wild Dala horse recognizes Lindsborg's brick streets, first hand-laid almost a century ago and saved from asphalting in 1967. Created by artist Kathy Peterson and sponsored by the City of Lindsborg, Fala proudly bears street utility covers.

The Freemount Filly
113 N Main
Native Americans peered in the windows during the first service conducted at Freemount Lutheran Church in Fremount, just a few miles southwest of Lindsborg. Sponsors Verne and Nancy Lundquist commissioned this wild Dala by artist Eldon Swensson in honor of the Lundquist's pioneer family.

115 N Main

Freyja, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war, is one of the most revered figures in Norse mythology. Known for her strength and power, she leads the Valkyries, embodying the ultimate fusion of love and war.
Artist Riley Ahlstedt

The Good Knight
106 N Main
This pop art Dala celebrates the rich history of chess and the now-closed International School of Chess of the Midwest--a school established by international friends in 2002. Painted by artist Matthew Richter.

Gyllene Dala
202 N Main
Gyllene (Golden) Dala's coat depicts the Bank of Tescott's 125-plus years of rootedness in Kansas, its people, and its recognition of the value of rural places. Golden Dala reminds us of the rich Kansas landscape upon which we all call for meaning and support. Sponsored by Bank of Tescott.

Hammering Immigrants
201 N Main
In honor of the Palmquist brothers and their construction company which built a number of Lindsborg's early landmark buildings, both on Bethany College campus and around Lindsborg. Buildings featured on the horse include Old Main, Ling Auditorium, the Bethany Church altar, and the homes of the Palmquist brothers.

Hans Oliver
400 N Main
Named and designed by local children, Hans Oliver features the traced outlines of children's hands and a refreshing splash of primary colors. Located within Viking Valley at Swensson Park, artist Jennifer Hopp helped the children and carried out this Dala's finishing touches. Sponsored by Lindsborg Arts Council.

Hello, Dala!
Main and Lincoln Streets
Lindsborg's outdoor theater troupe, Broadway RFD, celebrates more than five decades of productions. This Dala honors the many people who helped found and nurture this tradition. Hello Dala! is sponsored by Friends of RFD and painted by Gretchen Elliott.

Herd It Through the Grapevine
114 S Main
For the Lindsborg News-Record, where ears are always open, Shirley Malm wound grapes and vines around this wild Dala. Miss Anna C., named for a former editor, sports a classy touch of gold ribbon. Sponsored by Montgomery Communications

Hingst Ledare (Stallion Leader)
118 N Main
Painted by artist Shirley Malm, Hingst Ledare features stylized paintings that pictorially tell the history of the First Bank Kansas Building and the farming heritage of the first settlers of the Smoky Valley. Sponsored by First Bank Kansas.

201 N Main
Artist and sponsor Shirley Malm treasures the holiday traditions of Lindsborg, so she created a wild Dala to celebrate community customs. From concerts to the spirit of gentle giving, the holidays in Lindsborg embody both community and Scandinavian traditions.

King Oscar
134 N Main
Let's all toast the social traditions of many Swedes and Swedish-Americans with a cup (or three) of coffee. Artist Shirley Malm's design honors Lindsborg's own brand of coffee, King Oscar.

Kronar the Dollar Horse
109 S Main
Kronor is named for the Swedish money unit, but it has the green-tinged features of a one-dollar bill. Thanks to artist Shirley Malm, a horse never looked so rich. Sponsored by Farmers State Bank.

Legacy Dala
102 N Main
Researched and painted by well-regarded Swedish kurbit painter Carla J. Griffith's Wilson, Legacy commermorates just a few of the many significant people and places of Lindsborg's first 150 years. Emulating the Americana crazy quilt pattern, one side of Legacy features community representations from 1869-1944 and the other side covers the years 1945-2019. (Pro-tip: Be sure to thoroughly search Legacy for a Sven and Ole joke.)

112 W Lincoln
Lullaby is in the care of Dröm Sött Inn. "Trained " by Ken Sjögren and "groomed" by Angeline Collier, you'll love this sweet addition to the herd.

The Methodist Mare
224 S Main
Methodism's founder, Rev. John Wesley, rode 250,000 miles on a horse as a circuit-riding minister. His brother Charles composed many Christian hymns. Local artist Maleta Forsberg acknowledged both men in sponsoring and decorating a horse for Trinity United Methodish Church.

Millie Gram
216 N Harrison
Sponsored by AuBurn Pharmacy, and painted a deep blue with traditional Swedish floral designs, this Dala sports a name with an intentional pun on "milligram," a common term in pharmacy work.

Noble Dala
100 N Washington

Artist Riley Ahlstedt

115 N Main
Odin represents the intricate tapestry of Norse beliefs, where courage and destiny are intertwined. Odin's leadership and the Valkyries' duty ensure the finest warriors are ready to defend the cosmos when the final reckoning comes.  Artist Riley Ahlstedt

The Old Gray Dala Mare
116 S Main
The Lindsborg Senior Center wants you to know that active, interested, and good natured seniors round out this town's herd. Artist Jennifer Hopp

O'Lucky Dala
102 S Cole
Lindsborg is fortunate; the luck of the Irish came to Lindsborg in wild Dala form. O'Lucky Dala was created by Shirley Malm in honor of the O'Brien family.

Queen Katarina Ditto
201 S Main
Queen Katarina is the mother of all Lindsborg's wild Dala horses. Carved in solid wood and decorated by craftsmen at the Hemslöjd, the Queen helped create the mold for other wild Dalas. Located inside People Bank & Trust and can be seen during business hours.

Rani Dala
446 N Harrison
Celebrating strong women like Rani of Jhansi, who helped lead the people of India to independence. Sponsored by the Bhakta family in memory of Shivany Bhakta. Artist Riley Ahlstedt

Rockar Stockar
335 E Swensson
Located on the lower level of Pihlblad Student Union on the Bethany college campus. Painted by Ken Sjögren. Sponsored by Bethany Senior Class.

Rörmokarens Vän/
Plumber's Friend
135 N Main
Sponsored by grandchildren of Carl and Esther Anderson, this classically decorated Dala celebrates two traditional Swedes: Carl Anderson, a Lindsborg plumber who avoided personal timepieces but was prompt for every appointment, and Esther Anderson who whipped up treats from the kitchen with no recipe. Their grandchildren say that Mormor and Morfar Anderson "just knew."

Salvador Dala
126 S Main
The Painting and Design Class of Smoky Valley High School created this clever send up of surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Love those flying cows! Sponsored by the Hodges Family in memory of former school board member Dr. Melissa Ann Hodges.

Sol Foal, a Midsummers Dala
130 N Main

Located inside Fuqua Insurance.
Nick-named "Sol Foal," with a nod to the summer solstice, this Dala was painted with the colors of the rainbow, two thumbprints at a time on June 15, 2019, at Lindsborg's Midsummer's Festival.

Spirit of Generosity
321 N Chestnut
The long history and traditions of Bethany Home are on display with this wild Dala, who roams the halls of the home on a wheeled platform. Artist Shirley Malm bestowed the Spirit with photographs old and new, as well as enduring symbols of the Bethany Home's special sense of place and purpose. Sponsored in honor of Eunice Smith and her extended family.

Tryggare the Dala Häst Päst
400 N Main
The Carlson Family released this wild Dala to celebrate the lives of all Augustana-trained Lutheran ministers, particularly those of the late brothers Rev. Elmore Carlson and Rev. Perry Carlson. Artist Lee Becker created the image of an old-fashioned minister.

Uppsa Dala Airways
111 S Main
It's the pefect way to fly: Uppsa Dala goes anywhere your imagination takes you! Thanks to some friends of designer Gene Holdsorth, Lindsborg has its own memorable air service. Inside the Lindsborg Community Library.

Yankee Doodle
102 S Main
Both U.S. and Swedish flags fly high as this wild Dala horse sponsored by Duane and Kally Tuttle marches onto the scene. The design by Dan Gottneid makes you want to salute.