Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery
401 N. First St .
Phone: 785-227-2220
While its main focal point is the work of Birger Sandzén, this gallery also houses many works by other artists from a variety of locations.
More about the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery.
Lindsborg Old Mill and Swedish Heritage Museum
120 Mill St.
Phone: 785-227-3595
Built in 1968, the museum houses exhibits of central Kansas history, genealogy research and gift shop. The Smoky Valley Roller Mill, built in 1898 and in operation until 1955, sent flour to places nationwide. Across the street Heritage Square is home to seven different historic buildings.
More about the Old Mill Museum, Roller Mill and Heritage Square.
212 S. Main St.
Phone: 785-227-2217
The Red Barn Studio was the working studio for professional artist and craftsman Lester Raymer (1907 - 1991). The Red Barn Studio is filled with Raymer's art and handiwork, from paintings and printers to ceramics and metalwork, from wood carving to stitchery, furniture and jewelry.
More about the Red Barn Studio.
105 N. Main St .
Phone: 620-504-9528
Central to Hatton’s practice as an artist and a teacher was her conviction that encounters with art (viewing, making, and studying) are meaningful experiences that help us better understand the human experience, regardless of age, education, race, or socio-economic standing. The Center embraces this belief, and the many facets of Hatton’s art and life provide the wellspring of material with which we strive to facilitate active encounters with art.
More about the Clara Hatton Center.
111 NS Main St
Phone: 785-227-2710
Books about Lindsborg’s Swedish heritage and culture keep the history of this community easily accessible to the public. Books in both Swedish and English languages are available, along with VHS tapes of Swedish films. Information on family lineage and homesteading information is also included in the collection. The oldest books and genealogy resources are asked to be used for in-library research only. However, most of these materials can be borrowed for 3 weeks. All these items and works of art with Swedish influence are located in the Heritage Room.